They are still wonderful programs, so check out the topics for the three contests we have wrapped up this year: Contest 18, Contest 19, and the recently finished Contest 20. I've excluded the entries from the contests we've held, since those may have seen inflated numbers from the publicity. To help you, here is a list of 7 popular games for the TI-84+CE calculator that were released - not updated - this year. When you're passing time between classes, or riding to and from school, we know that you probably have explored games on your calculator. For those of you that started this last week, may the odds be forever in your favor. School just started, you got a few weeks to get settled in to your classes.

To celebrate this, we've compiled a list of the popular games. You can now practice your opossum massaging skills on the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition, TI-84 Plus CE and HP Prime calculators! The CE version requires the C libs.The most popular calculator this year was the TI-84 Plus CE. It is widely known that opossums have the instinct to repel aliens. I am unable to recompile the game code anymore without ICE Compiler causing a RAM clear so an update would require remaking the game in C or hybrid TI-BASIC. Make sure to reinstall the latest libs once you are finished with the game so that you can play non-ICE games again afterwards.

It is mainly included for posterity or if you don't mind temporarily using version 7.5 of the C libraries. WARNING: The CE version of this game is no longer compatible with the latest versions of the C libraries and will crash the calculator, causing a RAM clear. TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition BASIC Games.TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition BASIC Programs.In the future, I plan to modify this program to make a playable one player version, as well as a version with the screen size to be adjusted by an in-game menu. This version comes with two types, a full screen game (prgmAPONG), which is easier (more time in between hits to calculate where to hit the ball), and a shorter screen game (prgmAPONGSML) which is harder (less time to calculate where to hit the ball). First to 5 points wins! Have fun playing this game, looking at the code, or whatever you want. You a score a point when your opponent lets the ball slip past his defenses. This version is a two player version of pong, where two players play each other on the same calc, Left player using 2nd and Alpha to move, and the Right player using the Up and Down keys. I wrote this program for the classic Pong game in my spare time when I started experimenting into game programming.